Dealing With a Bad Brain Day
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I've suffered from depression for quite a few years so I've been able to develop a couple of ways to help me cope on the days it gets the best of me. None of these actions is a permanent fix to the problem and I would really recommend seeing a therapist or talking to a professional to help you deal with the issues at hand. All of these coping mechanisms are what help me cope on some of the worse days, however, just because they work for me doesn't mean they'll work for you.
- Do Something Active -
Getting up and moving around can really help. My favourite way to be a little bit active is to put on a playlist and dance dance dance! I also love going on walks around the countryside to get fresh air and to get out of the house.
- Spend Time With Friends and Family -
Seeing people who care about you can help boost your mood majorly. I often isolate myself and forget I'm not alone so even a phone call with a good friend can help me get out of that rut.
- Watch Your Favourite Movie or TV Show -
Sometimes socialising and leaving the house is a little too much. On these days I would usually watch one of my faves on Netflix. I would also suggest doing something mentally stimulating like reading.
- Get Up and Get Ready -
Go for a shower, do your hair and put on your faveee outfit even if you don't plan on doing anything. This is always a major confidence boost and can make you feel better about yourself in seconds!
- Cry It Out -
Sometimes you really just need to cry it out and there is nothing wrong with that. Letting out your emotion is really healthy and can make you feel 1000X better!
These are only a couple of way I cope with a bad day and they aren't always effective. I think it is so important to do something when you're having a bad day otherwise you'll find yourself completely unmotivated. Additionally, it is super important to speak out about mental health and seek help from a professional if you're struggling with your mental health.
I'd love it if you let me know some of the ways you cope with a bad day!