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Mission: Self Love

by - 7:00 PM

Self love is something I've struggled with majorly over the past couple of years and it's something that so many other people struggle with. Through my attempt of trying to find self love I have discovered and started to practice a few habits that have really helped my confidence grow so I thought I would share a couple of them with you.

Its Freazy, Megan Jeffs

Appreciate The Small Things

We very often take little things in our lives for granted and we don't take time to truly acknowledge and appreciate all of the things we have. Taking time to do things such as guided meditations and reminding yourself to be grateful for things such as your food makes you more aware and feel happier within yourself.

Stop Scrolling & Do Things You Luvvv

We spend too much of our time scrolling and comparing ourselves to other people. As we switch off and practice new hobbies, whether that's music, sport or writing we're expanding our knowledge and actively doing something that brings a little bit of happiness into our lives.

Things like writing on my blog and practicing photography helps me value my life and stops me from feeling like i'm not good at anything. This builds me up as an individual and gives me a huge sense of self worth.

Swap Negative Thoughts For Positive Ones

Negative thoughts are very often so much easier to let in and believe than positive ones. When you begin to have negative thoughts about yourself interrupt them with positive ones instead of fixating on them. This takes a little while but eventually you'll start to believe all of these comments and have a much more positive mindset.

Practice Basic Self Care

Whether your self care is dragging yourself out of bed for a shower or doing to get your nails done. Practicing self care is one of the best ways to feel great about yourself and add a lil extra confidence into your life. Basic self care is almost essential for feeling good about yourself- wash your hair, moisturize and take on the worldd!

I'm a huge sucker for self care, self love and finding happiness within myself and it's something i'd like to start talking about so much more on my blog. Theses tips have helped me feel a little happier within myself, there are obviously still days where it's all a little bit 'compare and despair' but finding inner peace and self love is definitely a journey worth going on.

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